Global Advisory Committee

Aïcha Bah Diallo

Founding Member of FAWE
Member of the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)

Alesha Anderson (USA)

Senior Program Officer at ProLiteracy Worldwide.

Alesha Anderson is a Senior Program Officer for ProLiteracy’s International Programs division.

Alexandre Romanovsky (USA)

Miami, Florida, USA

Advisor to companies dedicated to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Bill Graham (USA)

Chief Mentor/Adviser at Rotary Youth for a Better World
New York City Metropolitan Area

Bhanu Potta (India)

World Reader

Global Executive Member & India Director, India.

Chetnaa Mehrotra (India)

Founder - Rang Bhumi

Applied Theatre Practitioner, I Applied Arts based Facilitator I Board Member- IPTN and PTO.

Cindy Charles (Guyana)

Kupanda Sisters Inc. Founder & CEO Guyana.

David Bovill (UK)

Partnerships Manager at DEIP.
David J. Rosen (USA)

David J. Rosen (USA)

Ernesto Schieffelin (Chile)

Chilean Pedagogue , Professor, Economists and Politician.

Fred Mednick (USA)

Teacher Without Borders Founder USA.

Gail Davvis-Carter

UN ECOSOC Representative, UN Partner and Social Entrepreneur

Girish Menon (India)

CEO, STIR Education

Inger-Mette Stenseth (Norway)

Certified Trainer in System Thinking, Mapping and Leadership at IM STENSETH.

Være – i naturen. Bevegelse – I naturen. The art of being! E-M-O-T-I-O-N of we`ness!

Joanne Telser Frere (USA)

Director of Program Development USA.
Literacy Chicago.

Jon M Corippo (USA)

Author USA

Kyle Zimmer (USA)

CEO & Co-founder USA
First Book

Mary McCool Berry (USA)

Founder and Practitioner USA
Read Keys

Michael Matos (USA)

Director for ScaleLIT.
He is currently the Education Technology Director for ScaleLIT.

Navneet Anand (India)

GreyMatters Communications & Consulting.

Nicolas Gravel (Canada)

Professor of Economics France
Aix-Marseille University


Global Programmes Director
UK education system for 25 years.

Nixon Joseph (India)

CEO India
Children’s LoveCastles Trust


SECRETARY-GENERAL All Africa Student's Union.

Pradeep Kumar (India)

World Reader
Associate Director, Programs and Partnerships.

Rana Dajani (Jordan)

President USA
We Love Reading

Ravi Sreedharan (India)

Founder and President India
Indian School of Development Management

Rebecca Zvomarima (Zimbawe)

Founding Director of Vadiwa Trust Organization.

Richard Allen (USA)

Director of Partnerships. USA

Robert Thorn (Turkey)

Director Turkey
Developing Real Learners & Academy of Learner Development

Samuel Sasu Adonteng

Programmes Officer for Tertiary Education, All-Africa Students Union
Samuel is the Programmes Officer for Tertiary Education at the All-Africa Students Union.

Shrutika Jadhav (India)

Manager, Philanthropic Advisory. India

Sigamoney Naicker (South Africa)

Professor South Africa
University of the Western Cape.

Sigbjorn Dugal (Norway)

Founder, Pickatale Norway.

Stephen Peters (USA)

President USA
The Peters Group.

Swati Popat Vats (India)

President India
Podar Education Network.

Sylvia Guimarães (Brazil)

Co-Founder and president. Brazil
Vaga Lume

Vaibhav Chauhan (India)

Senior Manager
HCL Foundation

Vicky Colbert (Colombia)

Founder and Director, Fundación Escuela Nueva.

Yogesh Kumar (India)

Operation Head, Programs
HCL Foundation India

Yogesh Kumar, IAS (India)

Additional Commissioner, MGNREGA India
Government of Uttar Pradesh.

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